...Andromeda and Milky-Way Galaxies...

...Andromeda and Milky-Way Galaxies...
Binge-eating Andromeda-Galaxy on a collision course with our Milky-Way-Galaxy.

Friday, November 15, 2019

Custom Domains eCommerce v. Sadist Uhuru's Jinn-Theocracy GoK Arrested Development : ICMS / ECMIS Cyber e-Filing / Fees Pleas ; Basic Hygiene Compromises / Outcastings ; Stop Uhuru's Kenyatta-Mausoleum / Rebirth Zombie-Occultism Animism ; Prayers For Migration For Political-Asylum / Refuge From Mandatory Systems of Committment / Endless Persecution and Rape of Conscience. SOS.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Jason Bourne <jbournd007@gmail.com>
Date: Fri, 15 Nov 2019 14:13:48 +0600
Subject: Custom Domains eCommerce v. Sadist Uhuru's Jinn-Theocracy GoK
Arrested Development : ICMS / ECMIS Cyber e-Filing / Fees Pleas ;
Basic Hygiene Compromises / Outcastings ; Stop Uhuru's
Kenyatta-Mausoleum / Rebirth Zombie-Occultism Animism ; Prayers For
Migration For Political-Asylum / Refuge From Mandatory Systems of
Committment / Endless Persecution and Rape of Conscience. SOS.
To: erickmango4521@gmail.com

I'm trying to win a free domain at FreeDomainFactory at the moment
though I've exhausted my data bundles & my installed java browser
wouldn't access Twitter the domainfactory account ain't compatible
with my unupgraded phone's browser. Zoho & Freenom ain't delivering no
more free domains. End ICC-Indicted Uhuru's imposed pauperism 24/7
zombie-indoors occultism. Otherwise, my anti-Raila Luo-Nyanza
work-life vows are constant to the bitter end irreconcilably including
DISOWNING, ESTRANGING & DIVORCING 'penis envy' [ rd : sexology ]
Uhuru's 'Brokeside Dairy Jacket' dysfunctional sex-pervet Turpins
'paid pawns'. SOS. Thank you in advance. Yours
Faithfully, Erick Mango.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Jason Bourne <jbournd007@gmail.com>
Date: Fri, 15 Nov 2019 13:59:24 +0600
Subject: Fwd: Custom Domains eCommerce v. Sadist Uhuru's
Jinn-Theocracy GoK Arrested Development : ICMS / ECMIS Cyber e-Filing
/ Fees Pleas ; Basic Hygiene Compromises / Outcastings ; Stop Uhuru's
Kenyatta-Mausoleum / Rebirth Zombie-Occultism Animism ; Prayers For
Migration For Political-Asylum / Refuge From Mandatory Systems of
Committment / Endless Persecution and Rape of Conscience. SOS.
To: jbournd007@gmail.com

Attached are the remainning bathing-&-washing barsoap pieces, the
used-up toothpaste I've now cut into two to scrub the last pastes
(sos), ; and though I managed a clean shave last weekend I'm still in
need of a bicrazor, 200-page exer. bks for in-depth legal-research in
preparation of e-filing my mentioned cases / broad lawsuit. I'm
juggling so many balls at once & thus appeal to the civil society to
buy me a custom-domain at least for a year with best market
competitors NameCheap, NameBright or any other which I'm sure I'll be
able to renew the year-after certain my eCommerces would've picked &
gained momentum by then. Hence my arrested-development eCommerce
websites include : [ https://kingspalaces.000webhostapp.com
https://startrextraterrestrials.wordpress.com ]. I'm into real estate,
tours & safaris, news & ads and affiliate marketing.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Jason Bourne <jbournd007@gmail.com>
Date: Fri, 15 Nov 2019 13:36:00 +0600
Subject: Fwd: Custom Domains eCommerce v. Sadist Uhuru's
Jinn-Theocracy GoK Arrested Development : ICMS / ECMIS Cyber e-Filing
/ Fees Pleas ; Basic Hygiene Compromises / Outcastings ; Stop Uhuru's
Kenyatta-Mausoleum / Rebirth Zombie-Occultism Animism ; Prayers For
Migration For Political-Asylum / Refuge From Mandatory Systems of
Committment / Endless Persecution and Rape of Conscience. SOS.
To: jbournd007@gmail.com

who double-up as Widow-Spiders, Prank-Caller Tommy-Girls and most
recently joined by members @RonaldVenissa, @RitaMor58986307 &
@maria6932354 puppetteered by their sucking Jew-kiths witches
world-renown for their inherent 'manipulation-of-events and swaying of
public minds'. I take the opportunity to affirm that this ain't a
blanket-observation for there's a 0.0001 redundancy-effect as
exemplified by Apple's ex-Tech Designer Job Adams or something who
inextractably DISOWNED his alleged father in his life time for reasons
best known to them though I guess anybody's bet would include obvious
irreconcilable cultural differences to do esp. with the former's
collective-unconcious going back into his infancy & childhood as he
grew-up! I'm on the last data bundles and so any alerts will be via
Facebook's 'free mode'. You're welcome all & sundry to donate
spare-cash / data-bundles and/or survival soft-loans to be repaid with
a 50% interest once Uhuru's AG pays-up my Kihara Construction actual
and punitive damages.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Jason Bourne <jbournd007@gmail.com>
Date: Fri, 15 Nov 2019 13:06:41 +0600
Subject: Custom Domains eCommerce v. Sadist Uhuru's Jinn-Theocracy GoK
Arrested Development : ICMS / ECMIS Cyber e-Filing / Fees Pleas ;
Basic Hygiene Compromises / Outcastings ; Stop Uhuru's
Kenyatta-Mausoleum / Rebirth Zombie-Occultism Animism ; Prayers For
Migration For Political-Asylum / Refuge From Mandatory Systems of
Committment / Endless Persecution and Rape of Conscience. SOS.
To: jbournd007@gmail.com

Dear Sir / Madam, I pray your divine, tireless
consistencies to avail mepoorol'self reliefs & damages as regards
delayed-denied justices as enumerated in [
] interconnectedly with discovery of new evidence as demonstrated in [
]. They were joking in Milele Fm some people marry so late by the time
they take their kids to school or go to pay their school fees teachers
mistake them to be the grandparents! Brooder Uhuru sitting on my
7.5yrs damages outta sanctioned arrested-development cause of his &
co.'s political-legal abuses is effectuating jus' that curtailing my
dates & marriage at 41yrs simply cause I want nothing to do with his
combination-groupie-orgies loo-bat kith Judy Macharia aka 'Mpenzi-Jinn
or Fundi-wa-Mitaa' and/or her extended Jews family led by Emi & the
'Kakuma-Odipo-Waplog' WICCA Sorority-

Rally-Up Drum Support-Call For A NOW 7yrs 4months Accident-Damages
Case and The Larger Political Asylum / Refuge Criminal-&-Civil Lawsuit
Against Raila-Uhuru's Jinn-Theocracy GoK's Political-Legal Abuses'
Endless-Persecution / Sanctioned Arrested-Development / Involuntary
Systems Of Committment / Rape Of Conscience Still At 41yrs Derailling
My Datings & Eventual Matrimony. { Spinsters & Single-Ladies Who Value
Strong Family-Traditions Ready To Settle-Down, Plz Avail Yourselves.
Calls : +254723047863 or +254764087863 }. Donate Spare Cash
To Change A Passive-Male Ebbing Existence Back To Track On Life.
https://www.flickr.com/groups/4522199@N21/rules/ Support Justice
Cause > Buy Jewelry & Apparels Then Checkout With PayPal or
Credit-Card Online At : https://cafepress.com/ExtraterrestrialsMana

Monday, November 11, 2019

ICMS / ECMIS Cyber / E-Filing Fees Pleas : Uhuru's Zombie-Occultism Jinn-Theocracy GoK Sanctioned Arrested Development v. Custom Domains and E-Commerce ; Pretender-Hypocrite 'Married But Gay' Bori / GLBT Uhuru v. UN Summit ; Prayers For Migration For Political-Asylum / Refuge From 'Mandatory Systems of Committment / Rape-of-Conscience and Endless Persecution. SOS.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Erick Mango <erickmango4521@gmail.com>
Date: Mon, 11 Nov 2019 14:14:15 +0600
Subject: ICMS / ECMIS Cyber / E-Filing Fees Pleas : Uhuru's
Zombie-Occultism Jinn-Theocracy GoK Sanctioned Arrested Development v.
Custom Domains and E-Commerce ; Pretender-Hypocrite 'Married But Gay'
Bori / GLBT Uhuru v. UN Summit ; Prayers For Migration For
Political-Asylum / Refuge From 'Mandatory Systems of Committment /
Rape-of-Conscience and Endless Persecution. SOS.
To: erickmango2006@yahoo.com

NB : I need toothpaste bad, bicrazor, a trouser, shoes & ofcourse the
200-page exer. bks for in-deptht legal research. Aid stop Uhuru's
zombie-occultism embezzlement paganism.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Jason Bourne <jbournd007@gmail.com>
Date: Mon, 11 Nov 2019 14:05:14 +0600
Subject: ICMS / ECMIS Cyber / E-Filing Fees Pleas : Uhuru's
Zombie-Occultism Jinn-Theocracy GoK Sanctioned Arrested Development v.
Custom Domains and E-Commerce ; Pretender-Hypocrite 'Married But Gay'
Bori / GLBT Uhuru v. UN Summit ; Prayers For Migration For
Political-Asylum / Refuge From 'Mandatory Systems of Committment /
Rape-of-Conscience and Endless Persecution. SOS.
To: erickmango4521@gmail.com

RANGING & DIVORCING the dysfunctional Turpins are irreconcilably
constant to the bitter end. As I finish the hunger torture games could
be back for they've served only half-a-loaf to be divided btw 2 with
the gay witch having a jug-full of porridge / animistic-uji ; & that
could be the only meal till super. SOS. Thank you in advance. Yours
Faithfully, Erick Mango.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Jason Bourne <jbournd007@gmail.com>
Date: Mon, 11 Nov 2019 13:55:04 +0600
Subject: Fwd: ICMS / ECMIS Cyber / E-Filing Fees Pleas : Uhuru's
Zombie-Occultism Jinn-Theocracy GoK Sanctioned Arrested Development v.
Custom Domains and E-Commerce ; Pretender-Hypocrite 'Married But Gay'
Bori / GLBT Uhuru v. UN Summit ; Prayers For Migration For
Political-Asylum / Refuge From 'Mandatory Systems of Committment /
Rape-of-Conscience and Endless Persecution. SOS.
To: jbournd007@gmail.com

tized white-chicks for sexual-selection as regards 'higher love' with
reference to 'contents of character' as regards transitions to
behavioral modernities ; which thus also includes black American
chicks given they've evolved together side-by-side for centuries. Thus
I take the pleasure to call upon ma typpa chicks to come-on over &
show the jealousy bimbos led by their witch Jews & co. how to go 'bout
loving. The lastest twitter girl @RitaMor58986307 soon followed &
though she's ready to walk-the-talk I suspect she's jus' another of
their bimbo pawns & so megoodol'self is watching her closely. SOS ;
Stop the 'penis envy' [ rd : sexology ] Bori / GLBT Uhuru & co. Hence,
I don't know how long the 3-eighths of barsoap will last & thus appeal
to the civilized world for survival soft-loans / spare cash to be
repaid with a 50% interest once Uhuru's AG pays-up my Kihara
Construction punitive & actual damages [ +254723047863 & +254764087863
]. My anti-Raila Luo-Nyanza work / life vows including DISOWNING, EST-

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Jason Bourne <jbournd007@gmail.com>
Date: Mon, 11 Nov 2019 13:33:35 +0600
Subject: Fwd: ICMS / ECMIS Cyber / E-Filing Fees Pleas : Uhuru's
Zombie-Occultism Jinn-Theocracy GoK Sanctioned Arrested Development v.
Custom Domains and E-Commerce ; Pretender-Hypocrite 'Married But Gay'
Bori / GLBT Uhuru v. UN Summit ; Prayers For Migration For
Political-Asylum / Refuge From 'Mandatory Systems of Committment /
Rape-of-Conscience and Endless Persecution. SOS.
To: jbournd007@gmail.com

Facebook girl & now Twitter DM girls which had begun with a
@maria6932354 the followed lately by some doc. woman single-mother of
a daughter with Palestinian origins [ @RonaldVenissa ] pretending she
were in the US & that she would jet-in next month for a tour yet her
twitter following-&-followers is filled with Kenyans meaning she's
covered-up in the neighborhood with a hidden agenda ; as confirmed by
the quickie-witch who through asides repeated words we'd exchanged via
gmail. The quickie-witch is a stiff-necked prostitute like
substantiated in precedent records where she'd turned their
family-home in Wimpy Mombasa into a brothel besides other enumerated
affairs. And the 'married but gay' witch father is hence like a pimp
flanked by whore daughters who sire bastards @ with a different sower.
Then they still wonna insult me with arranged dates & marriages. This
@RonaldVenissa also had a religious agenda which I can't fathom given
my declared atheism grounded in evolutionary anthropology ; and my
priori- PTO

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Jason Bourne <jbournd007@gmail.com>
Date: Mon, 11 Nov 2019 13:11:56 +0600
Subject: Fwd: ICMS / ECMIS Cyber / E-Filing Fees Pleas : Uhuru's
Zombie-Occultism Jinn-Theocracy GoK Sanctioned Arrested Development v.
Custom Domains and E-Commerce ; Pretender-Hypocrite 'Married But Gay'
Bori / GLBT Uhuru v. UN Summit ; Prayers For Migration For
Political-Asylum / Refuge From 'Mandatory Systems of Committment /
Rape-of-Conscience and Endless Persecution. SOS.
To: jbournd007@gmail.com

I can afford to buy my own domain. Otherwise, an oldboy lent me 90/-
for which I bargained a clean shave at 40/- and bought 3-eighths of a
barsoap for washing & bathing basic hygiene as demonstrated in the
attachements before dipping the 20/- in data bundles via MPESA cause I
can't afford as yet to pay Safaricom's 100/- Okoa Jahazi airtime debt.
SOS. Uhuru & his loobat kith Judy Macharia aka 'Mpenzi Jinn or Fundi
wa Mitaa' plus their extended Jewish family world-reknown for their
characteristic manipulation of national events & swaying of public
minds are still trying to manipulate my dates and marriage in cahoots
with Uhuru's 'Brokeside Dairy Jacket' 'paid pawns', the dysfunctional
Turpins including 'married but gay' sly witch-father & his
self-bleaching, indecent-exposure, quickie-prostitute-witch
step-mother cum matriarch [ substantiateable, descriptive, technical
terms : no offense meant ]. Thus, besides the 'Kakuma-Odipo-Waplog'
prank-call Wicca-Sorority Tommy-girls, they've since been joined by
the PTO

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Jason Bourne <jbournd007@gmail.com>
Date: Mon, 11 Nov 2019 12:47:33 +0600
Subject: ICMS / ECMIS Cyber / E-Filing Fees Pleas : Uhuru's
Zombie-Occultism Jinn-Theocracy GoK Sanctioned Arrested Development v.
Custom Domains and E-Commerce ; Pretender-Hypocrite 'Married But Gay'
Bori / GLBT Uhuru v. UN Summit ; Prayers For Migration For
Political-Asylum / Refuge From 'Mandatory Systems of Committment /
Rape-of-Conscience and Endless Persecution. SOS.
To: jbournd007@gmail.com

Dear Sir / Madam, I pray your earnest endeavors to
ensure my freedom from Uhuru's Bori / GLBT & Raila's Lamu /
Bondo-Usenge 'Married But Gay' Mixed-Sexual-Orientation Marriage's
Siege still at 41yrs crippling my datings and marriage cause of their
sanctioned arrested-development imposing pauperism on a 'passive male'
existence below the poverty line as the brooder still sits on my
7.4yrs Kihara Construction actual & punitive damages courtesy of his
AG cause of political-legal abuse characteristic of his ICC-Indicted
archetype. Indeed it's ironic the illegitimate president feigns
disapproval of the forthcoming UN caucus initially scheduled to
include same-sex affairs before cancellation yet he's a Bori / GLBT
'married but gay' personality as I've exhibit-proven in precedent
records which I can't wait to substantiate before competent lawcourts
; & part of the reason he's burying me alive. Unfortunately Zoho and
Freenom couldn't provide any free custom domains & so I'll have to
wait till I PTO

Rally-Up Drum Support-Call For A NOW 7yrs 4months Accident-Damages
Case and The Larger Political Asylum / Refuge Criminal-&-Civil Lawsuit
Against Raila-Uhuru's Jinn-Theocracy GoK's Political-Legal Abuses'
Endless-Persecution / Sanctioned Arrested-Development / Involuntary
Systems Of Committment / Rape Of Conscience Still At 41yrs Derailling
My Datings & Eventual Matrimony. { Spinsters & Single-Ladies Who Value
Strong Family-Traditions Ready To Settle-Down, Plz Avail Yourselves.
Calls : +254723047863 or +254764087863 }. Donate Spare Cash
To Change A Passive-Male Ebbing Existence Back To Track On Life.
https://www.flickr.com/groups/4522199@N21/rules/ Support Justice
Cause > Buy Jewelry & Apparels Then Checkout With PayPal or
Credit-Card Online At : https://cafepress.com/ExtraterrestrialsMana

Rally-Up Drum Support-Call For A NOW 7yrs 4months Accident-Damages
Case and The Larger Political Asylum / Refuge Criminal-&-Civil Lawsuit
Against Raila-Uhuru's Jinn-Theocracy GoK's Political-Legal Abuses'
Endless-Persecution / Sanctioned Arrested-Development / Involuntary
Systems Of Committment / Rape Of Conscience Still At 41yrs Derailling
My Datings & Eventual Matrimony. { Spinsters & Single-Ladies Who Value
Strong Family-Traditions Ready To Settle-Down, Plz Avail Yourselves.
Calls : +254723047863 or +254764087863 }. Donate Spare Cash
To Change A Passive-Male Ebbing Existence Back To Track On Life.
https://www.flickr.com/groups/4522199@N21/rules/ Support Justice
Cause > Buy Jewelry & Apparels Then Checkout With PayPal or
Credit-Card Online At : https://cafepress.com/ExtraterrestrialsMana

ICMS / ECMIS Cyber / E-Filing Fees Pleas : Uhuru's Zombie-Occultism Jinn-Theocracy GoK Sanctioned Arrested Development v. Custom Domains and E-Commerce ; Pretender-Hypocrite 'Married But Gay' Bori / GLBT Uhuru v. UN Summit ; Prayers For Migration For Political-Asylum / Refuge From 'Mandatory Systems of Committment / Rape-of-Conscience and Endless Persecution. SOS.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Jason Bourne <jbournd007@gmail.com>
Date: Mon, 11 Nov 2019 14:05:14 +0600
Subject: ICMS / ECMIS Cyber / E-Filing Fees Pleas : Uhuru's
Zombie-Occultism Jinn-Theocracy GoK Sanctioned Arrested Development v.
Custom Domains and E-Commerce ; Pretender-Hypocrite 'Married But Gay'
Bori / GLBT Uhuru v. UN Summit ; Prayers For Migration For
Political-Asylum / Refuge From 'Mandatory Systems of Committment /
Rape-of-Conscience and Endless Persecution. SOS.
To: erickmango4521@gmail.com

RANGING & DIVORCING the dysfunctional Turpins are irreconcilably
constant to the bitter end. As I finish the hunger torture games could
be back for they've served only half-a-loaf to be divided btw 2 with
the gay witch having a jug-full of porridge / animistic-uji ; & that
could be the only meal till super. SOS. Thank you in advance. Yours
Faithfully, Erick Mango.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Jason Bourne <jbournd007@gmail.com>
Date: Mon, 11 Nov 2019 13:55:04 +0600
Subject: Fwd: ICMS / ECMIS Cyber / E-Filing Fees Pleas : Uhuru's
Zombie-Occultism Jinn-Theocracy GoK Sanctioned Arrested Development v.
Custom Domains and E-Commerce ; Pretender-Hypocrite 'Married But Gay'
Bori / GLBT Uhuru v. UN Summit ; Prayers For Migration For
Political-Asylum / Refuge From 'Mandatory Systems of Committment /
Rape-of-Conscience and Endless Persecution. SOS.
To: jbournd007@gmail.com

tized white-chicks for sexual-selection as regards 'higher love' with
reference to 'contents of character' as regards transitions to
behavioral modernities ; which thus also includes black American
chicks given they've evolved together side-by-side for centuries. Thus
I take the pleasure to call upon ma typpa chicks to come-on over &
show the jealousy bimbos led by their witch Jews & co. how to go 'bout
loving. The lastest twitter girl @RitaMor58986307 soon followed &
though she's ready to walk-the-talk I suspect she's jus' another of
their bimbo pawns & so megoodol'self is watching her closely. SOS ;
Stop the 'penis envy' [ rd : sexology ] Bori / GLBT Uhuru & co. Hence,
I don't know how long the 3-eighths of barsoap will last & thus appeal
to the civilized world for survival soft-loans / spare cash to be
repaid with a 50% interest once Uhuru's AG pays-up my Kihara
Construction punitive & actual damages [ +254723047863 & +254764087863
]. My anti-Raila Luo-Nyanza work / life vows including DISOWNING, EST-

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Jason Bourne <jbournd007@gmail.com>
Date: Mon, 11 Nov 2019 13:33:35 +0600
Subject: Fwd: ICMS / ECMIS Cyber / E-Filing Fees Pleas : Uhuru's
Zombie-Occultism Jinn-Theocracy GoK Sanctioned Arrested Development v.
Custom Domains and E-Commerce ; Pretender-Hypocrite 'Married But Gay'
Bori / GLBT Uhuru v. UN Summit ; Prayers For Migration For
Political-Asylum / Refuge From 'Mandatory Systems of Committment /
Rape-of-Conscience and Endless Persecution. SOS.
To: jbournd007@gmail.com

Facebook girl & now Twitter DM girls which had begun with a
@maria6932354 the followed lately by some doc. woman single-mother of
a daughter with Palestinian origins [ @RonaldVenissa ] pretending she
were in the US & that she would jet-in next month for a tour yet her
twitter following-&-followers is filled with Kenyans meaning she's
covered-up in the neighborhood with a hidden agenda ; as confirmed by
the quickie-witch who through asides repeated words we'd exchanged via
gmail. The quickie-witch is a stiff-necked prostitute like
substantiated in precedent records where she'd turned their
family-home in Wimpy Mombasa into a brothel besides other enumerated
affairs. And the 'married but gay' witch father is hence like a pimp
flanked by whore daughters who sire bastards @ with a different sower.
Then they still wonna insult me with arranged dates & marriages. This
@RonaldVenissa also had a religious agenda which I can't fathom given
my declared atheism grounded in evolutionary anthropology ; and my
priori- PTO

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Jason Bourne <jbournd007@gmail.com>
Date: Mon, 11 Nov 2019 13:11:56 +0600
Subject: Fwd: ICMS / ECMIS Cyber / E-Filing Fees Pleas : Uhuru's
Zombie-Occultism Jinn-Theocracy GoK Sanctioned Arrested Development v.
Custom Domains and E-Commerce ; Pretender-Hypocrite 'Married But Gay'
Bori / GLBT Uhuru v. UN Summit ; Prayers For Migration For
Political-Asylum / Refuge From 'Mandatory Systems of Committment /
Rape-of-Conscience and Endless Persecution. SOS.
To: jbournd007@gmail.com

I can afford to buy my own domain. Otherwise, an oldboy lent me 90/-
for which I bargained a clean shave at 40/- and bought 3-eighths of a
barsoap for washing & bathing basic hygiene as demonstrated in the
attachements before dipping the 20/- in data bundles via MPESA cause I
can't afford as yet to pay Safaricom's 100/- Okoa Jahazi airtime debt.
SOS. Uhuru & his loobat kith Judy Macharia aka 'Mpenzi Jinn or Fundi
wa Mitaa' plus their extended Jewish family world-reknown for their
characteristic manipulation of national events & swaying of public
minds are still trying to manipulate my dates and marriage in cahoots
with Uhuru's 'Brokeside Dairy Jacket' 'paid pawns', the dysfunctional
Turpins including 'married but gay' sly witch-father & his
self-bleaching, indecent-exposure, quickie-prostitute-witch
step-mother cum matriarch [ substantiateable, descriptive, technical
terms : no offense meant ]. Thus, besides the 'Kakuma-Odipo-Waplog'
prank-call Wicca-Sorority Tommy-girls, they've since been joined by
the PTO

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Jason Bourne <jbournd007@gmail.com>
Date: Mon, 11 Nov 2019 12:47:33 +0600
Subject: ICMS / ECMIS Cyber / E-Filing Fees Pleas : Uhuru's
Zombie-Occultism Jinn-Theocracy GoK Sanctioned Arrested Development v.
Custom Domains and E-Commerce ; Pretender-Hypocrite 'Married But Gay'
Bori / GLBT Uhuru v. UN Summit ; Prayers For Migration For
Political-Asylum / Refuge From 'Mandatory Systems of Committment /
Rape-of-Conscience and Endless Persecution. SOS.
To: jbournd007@gmail.com

Dear Sir / Madam, I pray your earnest endeavors to
ensure my freedom from Uhuru's Bori / GLBT & Raila's Lamu /
Bondo-Usenge 'Married But Gay' Mixed-Sexual-Orientation Marriage's
Siege still at 41yrs crippling my datings and marriage cause of their
sanctioned arrested-development imposing pauperism on a 'passive male'
existence below the poverty line as the brooder still sits on my
7.4yrs Kihara Construction actual & punitive damages courtesy of his
AG cause of political-legal abuse characteristic of his ICC-Indicted
archetype. Indeed it's ironic the illegitimate president feigns
disapproval of the forthcoming UN caucus initially scheduled to
include same-sex affairs before cancellation yet he's a Bori / GLBT
'married but gay' personality as I've exhibit-proven in precedent
records which I can't wait to substantiate before competent lawcourts
; & part of the reason he's burying me alive. Unfortunately Zoho and
Freenom couldn't provide any free custom domains & so I'll have to
wait till I PTO

Rally-Up Drum Support-Call For A NOW 7yrs 4months Accident-Damages
Case and The Larger Political Asylum / Refuge Criminal-&-Civil Lawsuit
Against Raila-Uhuru's Jinn-Theocracy GoK's Political-Legal Abuses'
Endless-Persecution / Sanctioned Arrested-Development / Involuntary
Systems Of Committment / Rape Of Conscience Still At 41yrs Derailling
My Datings & Eventual Matrimony. { Spinsters & Single-Ladies Who Value
Strong Family-Traditions Ready To Settle-Down, Plz Avail Yourselves.
Calls : +254723047863 or +254764087863 }. Donate Spare Cash
To Change A Passive-Male Ebbing Existence Back To Track On Life.
https://www.flickr.com/groups/4522199@N21/rules/ Support Justice
Cause > Buy Jewelry & Apparels Then Checkout With PayPal or
Credit-Card Online At : https://cafepress.com/ExtraterrestrialsMana

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Testing webmail 1, 2, 3,

Thanks heavens an oldboy Ient me 90/- for which I managed to get a bargaine clean shave at 40/-, 3-eights of a bar soap at 30/- & data bundler for 20/-.

Friday, November 01, 2019

Fw: Prehistoric Descendant Culture Mausoleums / Rebirth / Zombie-Occultism Torture-Camps : Uhuru's Ikenya-Cop Masonic 'Kenyatta Animism' Assigned Sleeping-Quarters ; Motion Of Competency Hearing Amid Defamation, Harassment and Sex-Crimes Conspiracy Cover-Up Against 4 Migori Top-Cops and Asst. Chief ; Prayers For Migration For Political-Asylum / Refuge Against Rape of Conscience / Endless Persecution / Mandatory Systems of Committments. SOS.

----- Forwarded Message -----
From: Erick Mango <erickmango4521@gmail.com>
To: "erickmango2006@yahoo.com" <erickmango2006@yahoo.com>
Sent: Saturday, November 2, 2019, 12:18:34 PM GMT+6
Subject: Prehistoric Descendant Culture Mausoleums / Rebirth / Zombie-Occultism Torture-Camps : Uhuru's Ikenya-Cop Masonic 'Kenyatta Animism' Assigned Sleeping-Quarters ; Motion Of Competency Hearing Amid Defamation, Harassment and Sex-Crimes Conspiracy Cover-Up Against 4 Migori Top-Cops and Asst. Chief ; Prayers For Migration For Political-Asylum / Refuge Against Rape of Conscience / Endless Persecution / Mandatory Systems of Committments. SOS.

NB : I was afraid the 1MB would deplete squeezing-in details but
Uhuru's paid pawns Turpins are back with the cyclic 1 ratio hunger
torture @ 24hrs in the rain & cold. My DISOWNING, ESTRANGING &
DIVORCING them vows are constant to the bitter end. I never asked to
come to their abode. Survival spare cash / soft loans will be repaid
with a 50% interest once Uhuru's AG pays-up my Kihara Construction
actual & punitive damages. [ +254723047863 & +254764087863 ]. SOS.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Erick Mango <erickmango4521@gmail.com>
Date: Sat, 2 Nov 2019 11:48:04 +0600
Subject: Prehistoric Descendant Culture Mausoleums / Rebirth /
Zombie-Occultism Torture-Camps : Uhuru's Ikenya-Cop Masonic 'Kenyatta
Animism' Assigned Sleeping-Quarters ; Motion Of Competency Hearing
Amid Defamation, Harassment and Sex-Crimes Conspiracy Cover-Up Against
4 Migori Top-Cops and Asst. Chief ; Prayers For Migration For
Political-Asylum / Refuge Against Rape of Conscience / Endless
Persecution / Mandatory Systems of Committments. SOS.
To: erickmango2006@yahoo.com

Dear Sir / Madam,                I'll be brief given this is the last
1MB of data bundles I'd reserved for in-depth legal research on how
I'll tackle my 14OBs cases & the broader lawsuit as elaborated in
precedent records including [
] et al. This has been brought about by the discovery of new evidence
in Nigeria detailed in [
] reported also by CNN & BBC which similar to my case include torture
and sexual-misconduct crimes ; demonstrating some of Africans'
primitive, retrogressive, lay & IMPOSED prehistoric-descendant-culture
involving rebirth and zombie-occultism for which I've cited kins like
Mama Osoo's wheel-chair stooge, Rispa's Babu, Maggy's sister's Daddy &
now me v. the Turpins! An occultism they base to embezzle me of my
estate & life for which I'll file a motion of competency hearing amid
my 1st case. T.Y.I.A.

Rally-Up Drum Support-Call For A NOW 7yrs 4months Accident-Damages
Case and The Larger Political Asylum / Refuge Criminal-&-Civil Lawsuit
Against Raila-Uhuru's Jinn-Theocracy GoK's Political-Legal Abuses'
Endless-Persecution / Sanctioned Arrested-Development / Involuntary
Systems Of Committment / Rape Of Conscience Still At 41yrs Derailling
My Datings & Eventual Matrimony. { Spinsters & Single-Ladies Who Value
Strong Family-Traditions Ready To Settle-Down, Plz Avail Yourselves.
Calls : +254723047863 or +254764087863 }.          Donate Spare Cash
To Change A Passive-Male Ebbing Existence Back To Track On Life.
https://www.flickr.com/groups/4522199@N21/rules/ Support Justice
Cause > Buy Jewelry & Apparels Then Checkout With PayPal or
Credit-Card Online At : https://cafepress.com/ExtraterrestrialsMana

Rally-Up Drum Support-Call For A NOW 7yrs 4months Accident-Damages
Case and The Larger Political Asylum / Refuge Criminal-&-Civil Lawsuit
Against Raila-Uhuru's Jinn-Theocracy GoK's Political-Legal Abuses'
Endless-Persecution / Sanctioned Arrested-Development / Involuntary
Systems Of Committment / Rape Of Conscience Still At 41yrs Derailling
My Datings & Eventual Matrimony. { Spinsters & Single-Ladies Who Value
Strong Family-Traditions Ready To Settle-Down, Plz Avail Yourselves.
Calls : +254723047863 or +254764087863 }.          Donate Spare Cash
To Change A Passive-Male Ebbing Existence Back To Track On Life.
https://www.flickr.com/groups/4522199@N21/rules/ Support Justice
Cause > Buy Jewelry & Apparels Then Checkout With PayPal or
Credit-Card Online At : https://cafepress.com/ExtraterrestrialsMana

Prehistoric Descendant Culture Mausoleums / Rebirth / Zombie-Occultism Torture-Camps : Uhuru's Ikenya-Cop Masonic 'Kenyatta Animism' Assigned Sleeping-Quarters ; Motion Of Competency Hearing Amid Defamation, Harassment and Sex-Crimes Conspiracy Cover-Up Against 4 Migori Top-Cops and Asst. Chief ; Prayers For Migration For Political-Asylum / Refuge Against Rape of Conscience / Endless Persecution / Mandatory Systems of Committments. SOS.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Erick Mango <erickmango4521@gmail.com>
Date: Sat, 2 Nov 2019 11:48:04 +0600
Subject: Prehistoric Descendant Culture Mausoleums / Rebirth /
Zombie-Occultism Torture-Camps : Uhuru's Ikenya-Cop Masonic 'Kenyatta
Animism' Assigned Sleeping-Quarters ; Motion Of Competency Hearing
Amid Defamation, Harassment and Sex-Crimes Conspiracy Cover-Up Against
4 Migori Top-Cops and Asst. Chief ; Prayers For Migration For
Political-Asylum / Refuge Against Rape of Conscience / Endless
Persecution / Mandatory Systems of Committments. SOS.
To: erickmango2006@yahoo.com

Dear Sir / Madam, I'll be brief given this is the last
1MB of data bundles I'd reserved for in-depth legal research on how
I'll tackle my 14OBs cases & the broader lawsuit as elaborated in
precedent records including [
] et al. This has been brought about by the discovery of new evidence
in Nigeria detailed in [
] reported also by CNN & BBC which similar to my case include torture
and sexual-misconduct crimes ; demonstrating some of Africans'
primitive, retrogressive, lay & IMPOSED prehistoric-descendant-culture
involving rebirth and zombie-occultism for which I've cited kins like
Mama Osoo's wheel-chair stooge, Rispa's Babu, Maggy's sister's Daddy &
now me v. the Turpins! An occultism they base to embezzle me of my
estate & life for which I'll file a motion of competency hearing amid
my 1st case. T.Y.I.A.

Rally-Up Drum Support-Call For A NOW 7yrs 4months Accident-Damages
Case and The Larger Political Asylum / Refuge Criminal-&-Civil Lawsuit
Against Raila-Uhuru's Jinn-Theocracy GoK's Political-Legal Abuses'
Endless-Persecution / Sanctioned Arrested-Development / Involuntary
Systems Of Committment / Rape Of Conscience Still At 41yrs Derailling
My Datings & Eventual Matrimony. { Spinsters & Single-Ladies Who Value
Strong Family-Traditions Ready To Settle-Down, Plz Avail Yourselves.
Calls : +254723047863 or +254764087863 }. Donate Spare Cash
To Change A Passive-Male Ebbing Existence Back To Track On Life.
https://www.flickr.com/groups/4522199@N21/rules/ Support Justice
Cause > Buy Jewelry & Apparels Then Checkout With PayPal or
Credit-Card Online At : https://cafepress.com/ExtraterrestrialsMana

Rally-Up Drum Support-Call For A NOW 7yrs 4months Accident-Damages
Case and The Larger Political Asylum / Refuge Criminal-&-Civil Lawsuit
Against Raila-Uhuru's Jinn-Theocracy GoK's Political-Legal Abuses'
Endless-Persecution / Sanctioned Arrested-Development / Involuntary
Systems Of Committment / Rape Of Conscience Still At 41yrs Derailling
My Datings & Eventual Matrimony. { Spinsters & Single-Ladies Who Value
Strong Family-Traditions Ready To Settle-Down, Plz Avail Yourselves.
Calls : +254723047863 or +254764087863 }. Donate Spare Cash
To Change A Passive-Male Ebbing Existence Back To Track On Life.
https://www.flickr.com/groups/4522199@N21/rules/ Support Justice
Cause > Buy Jewelry & Apparels Then Checkout With PayPal or
Credit-Card Online At : https://cafepress.com/ExtraterrestrialsMana

Friday, October 25, 2019

ICMS / ECMIS E-Filing Fees Pleas : Ravaging Rains Storm-Flood Season and Breaking-Apart 'Kenyatta-Animism' Assigned Masonic Sleeping Quarters ; Lead-On Free Custom Domains and My eCommerce Website Endeavors ; Imposed Pauperism Rags and Tatters ; Prayers For Migration For Political-Asylum / Refuge From Endless Persecution / Rape of Conscience and Mandatory Systems of Committments.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Jason Bourne <jbournd007@gmail.com>
Date: Fri, 25 Oct 2019 13:09:46 +0600
Subject: ICMS / ECMIS E-Filing Fees Pleas : Ravaging Rains Storm-Flood
Season and Breaking-Apart 'Kenyatta-Animism' Assigned Masonic Sleeping
Quarters ; Lead-On Free Custom Domains and My eCommerce Website
Endeavors ; Imposed Pauperism Rags and Tatters ; Prayers For Migration
For Political-Asylum / Refuge From Endless Persecution / Rape of
Conscience and Mandatory Systems of Committments.
To: erickmango4521@gmail.com

of a 100/- bob depletion & hence all alerts will be redirected via
Facebook's 'free mode'. Last but not least my anti-Raila Luo Nyanza
working / living vows are constant to the bitter end including
compulsive-neurotic Turpins. [ NB : For survival spare cash, sambaza
data-bundles or development soft-loans, call / use +254723047863, &/or
+254764087863 ]. SOS. Thank you in advance. Yours Faithfully,
Erick Mango.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Jason Bourne <jbournd007@gmail.com>
Date: Fri, 25 Oct 2019 12:58:35 +0600
Subject: Fwd: ICMS / ECMIS E-Filing Fees Pleas : Ravaging Rains
Storm-Flood Season and Breaking-Apart 'Kenyatta-Animism' Assigned
Masonic Sleeping Quarters ; Lead-On Free Custom Domains and My
eCommerce Website Endeavors ; Imposed Pauperism Rags and Tatters ;
Prayers For Migration For Political-Asylum / Refuge From Endless
Persecution / Rape of Conscience and Mandatory Systems of
To: jbournd007@gmail.com

other photo-captions illustrate the last pieces of washing & bathing
bar which I need to replenish urgently for basic hygiene ; & the
wearing-out shoes. I also need urgently toothpaste, a shave, bicrazor,
not to mention the 200-page exercise books to prepare for my pending
cases saga in in-depth legal research. I've also fortunately come
across free domain providers / registrers 'Zoho & Freenom' which will
cover and secure my eCommerce business transactions including apps &
parties that require custom domains to partner in biz. Thus I appeal
to civil society groups, friends & well-wishers to lend me soft loans
to initiate the above in the cybers [ cause of an unupgraded mobile
browser's interface incompatibilities ] and parties will be repaid
with a 50% interest once ICC-Indicted Illegitimate President Uhuru's
A.G. c/o the Advocates Complaints Commission pays-up my actual &
punitive 7.4yrs Kihara Construction accident damages. Otherwise, I'm
on the last data bundles after Safaricom's 'Okoa Jahazi' debt PTO

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Jason Bourne <jbournd007@gmail.com>
Date: Fri, 25 Oct 2019 12:32:24 +0600
Subject: ICMS / ECMIS E-Filing Fees Pleas : Ravaging Rains Storm-Flood
Season and Breaking-Apart 'Kenyatta-Animism' Assigned Masonic Sleeping
Quarters ; Lead-On Free Custom Domains and My eCommerce Website
Endeavors ; Imposed Pauperism Rags and Tatters ; Prayers For Migration
For Political-Asylum / Refuge From Endless Persecution / Rape of
Conscience and Mandatory Systems of Committments.
To: jbournd007@gmail.com

Dear Sir / Madam, I pray your inadvertent committments
to intervene in my quest for delayed / denied justice as concerns
raising the ICMS E-Filing fees with regards to my recorded 14+ OBs at
Migori Police Station interconnected to the broader lawsuit as
chronicled in [
] & [ https://startrextraterrestrials.blogspot.com/2019/09/chronology-of-events-of-larger-lawsuit.html
] not to mention [ https://erick-mango.blogspot.com ]. Of current
urgency is the havoc the rainny storm season's impacting on Uhuru's
assigned 'Kenyatta-Animism' [ rd : Mausoleum ] sleeping Masonic
quarters [ as depicted in the photo-captions ] built by a
mason-carpenter animistically conveniently called 'Kenyatta' ; after I
got relocated by his cop called Ikenya. By yesterday evening's rain
storm, sand pellets, dust & rain were trickling and being swept-in ;
had to sweep-out the wet debris from my beddings & the room. SOS. The

Rally-Up Drum Support-Call For A NOW 7yrs 4months Accident-Damages
Case and The Larger Political Asylum / Refuge Criminal-&-Civil Lawsuit
Against Raila-Uhuru's Jinn-Theocracy GoK's Political-Legal Abuses'
Endless-Persecution / Sanctioned Arrested-Development / Involuntary
Systems Of Committment / Rape Of Conscience Still At 41yrs Derailling
My Datings & Eventual Matrimony. { Spinsters & Single-Ladies Who Value
Strong Family-Traditions Ready To Settle-Down, Plz Avail Yourselves.
Calls : +254723047863 or +254764087863 }. Donate Spare Cash
To Change A Passive-Male Ebbing Existence Back To Track On Life.
https://www.flickr.com/groups/4522199@N21/rules/ Support Justice
Cause > Buy Jewelry & Apparels Then Checkout With PayPal or
Credit-Card Online At : https://cafepress.com/ExtraterrestrialsMana