...Andromeda and Milky-Way Galaxies...

...Andromeda and Milky-Way Galaxies...
Binge-eating Andromeda-Galaxy on a collision course with our Milky-Way-Galaxy.

Wednesday, August 12, 2020

Sly Double-Speaking Asst. Chief Changes Tone and Throws Ball Back To Incharge of Crime Migori Police Court For A 'Formal Letter In Writing' : Uhuru's Organized-Crime Economy-Cartels Subversion of Justice Circus ; Prayers For Migration For Political-Asylum / Refuge From Endless Persecution / Mandatory Systems of Committment and Rape of Conscience. SOS.

Date: Thu, 12 Sep 2019 18:21:09 +0600

Dear Sir / Madam, 
                            I pray your continuous, relentless,
informed, progressive, exposed and civilized intercessions &
interventions for due observations of the process of the rule of law
to be observed with regards to my most recent charges of
'hunger-torture and incestuous & homosexual harassments' as well as
all the other 14OBs recorded at Migori Police Station which're
altogether intricately interconnected against the
compulsive-neurotic, dysfunctional Uhuru's 'Brokeside Dairy Jacket'
'paid-pawns' Turpins. The above mentioned & co. as has been
demonstrated are psychic cannibal vampire living-fossil relic witches
reminiscent of the 'Europe Salem Witch Trial Convicts' not to mention
the 'Kenya chapter' real life-time blood-sucking convict vampire
Onyancha illustrated by the 'KTN Case Files' documentary. Raila's
tribal Asst. Chief changed tactics in the 'brotherly talks' he'd
scheduled for today & cancelled tomorrow's meeting he'd scheduled to
'write the formal letter for the arrest of the aforementioned sex-pervert criminals instead going on a
cyclic-deliberations demanding 'sufficient evidence' claiming the
photo-exhibits aren't substantial enough & defending the culprits in
claiming unless I present him a court-stamped certificate of
'DISOWNING' them, he can't write a letter to arrest them since I live
under their roof & eat their food adding that they can pee / urinate
anywhere in their residential compound / homestead. It's like he never
was party to the 'IC' proceedings the first time we met there when he
was called where I enumerated the illegal circumstances under which by
order of the Indicted ICC Contagion-Animist and Illegitimate Bori /
GLBT President Uhuru on behalf of his 'Brokeside Dairy Jacket' fellow
'married but gay' occultists, the dysfunctional Turpins ; one of his
cops animistically conveniently called Ikenya & 2 others illegally
arrested me at an open-air food kiosk I was lunching along Haile
Selassie Avenue Msa before saying some Caro wanted to see me &
continuing to add that "They wouldn't let me engage in any income generating
activity / biz or fixed-income employment." The rest is as already
presented in precedent missive records my learned, informed,
progressive, exposed, complex, civilized society members vis-à-vis the
developing third-world 'Kenya chapter' archaic, retrogressive,
imposed, lay, primitive, 'shithole,' prehistoric-descendant-culture
society since the emergence of anatomically-modern-humans from the
jungle to property ownership in formal society as regards transitions
to behavioral modernity including moral-sensibilities. I demand thus
that Migori Police Station use the same paradigm-basis of evidence
threshold they used the first time they'd deemed it substantial to
indict the sex-pervert culprits to similarly indict them again now
given the criminals have proved consistent and systematic
compulsive-neurosis in their schemes & strategies of 'cyclic-ritual
hunger-tortures coupled with incestuous and homosexual-harassments' to
coerce me into their Raila's Lamu / Bondo-Usenge & Uhuru's Bori / GLBT 'married but gay'
prehistoric-descendant-culture sexual-orientations. The machete &
slasher-sword assaults they since stopped though still palpable in
ex-Chief Amara's sanction can be followed-up within the inclusive
14OBs for which I got a Medical form pending a P3 cause of wanting
resources to process the same for which I'd been waiting for my
accident's actual & punitive damages to carry out. Along the same
length & breadth reliable sources have whispered that it kinda appears
the 'IC' who'd exploded with unreasonableness on behalf of the
ex-'invalid OCS' over my last move to the OCPD both belong to a clique
that hails from Busia and as such have vested interests in shielding
one of their own, Uhuru's Nairobi Carnivore Club bossom buddy Eng.
Emmanuel Edgar Sirma in relation to the Bell's-Pub Uhuru's GSU attack
who's Medical Form & P3 I got knowing I'll be coming for them once my
damages get processed. Thus I'm trekking headed to the In-charge of
Crime Migori Police Station to relay the sly Asst. Chief's feedback whenst I
pray you impress upon her on behalf of concerned authorities to set
the ball of the rule of law rolling so the clogged wheels of justice
get in motion. I want the sex-pervert culprit parasites arrested,
booked & arraigned before the Authority of an Independent Law Court to
get them off my back once and for all. I'll then formally proceed to
legally DIVORCE, ESTRANGE & DISOWN them once brooding Uhuru pays-up my
damages as per my vows including to never live or work in Raila's Luo
Nyanza to the bitter end. Otherwise once I deplete my data bundles all
alerts will be via Facebook's 'free data' mode please. 
Thank you in advance. 
Yours Faithfully, 
Erick Mango.

NB : I found lunch today a whole 'okoko' fish which ain't fresh to
their rot-food relish tastes despite filthy cash riches they floss ;
I served it soup-less & only ate the inner meat after peeling-off its
skin. I couldn't touch the greens which though the sly food-poker
gay-father served & ate I suspected he must have regurgitated some as
per his custom.

https://www.flickr.com/groups/4522199@N21/rules/ Support Justice

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