...Andromeda and Milky-Way Galaxies...

...Andromeda and Milky-Way Galaxies...
Binge-eating Andromeda-Galaxy on a collision course with our Milky-Way-Galaxy.

Wednesday, August 12, 2020

Outlawing, Outcasting, Golo, Kutolewa : Subversion Of Justice Circus ; Uhuru's Organized-Crime / Economy-Cartels ; OCS Threatens Arrest and Throws Idiot Insult ; An Extension Of Justice Nyaga ; Incharge of Crime Revisits KRC Issue Meaning They Wonna Turn Me InTo A Cabbage Like Matiba To Embezzle My Damages ; Prayers For Political-Asylum / Refuge From Endless Persecution / Mandatory Systems of Committment and Rape of Conscience. SOS.

Date: Wed, 28 Aug 2019 15:44:24 +0600

Dear Sir / Madam, 
                             The Migori Police Station OCS has
flagrantly abused his office & powers throwing me the insult of
'idiot' and threatening to arrest me claiming I'm disturbing him at
his station. He's obviously repeating Justice Nyaga's words and by
extension Sanctions like Chief Amara did my Death and Ikenya my
Arrested Development. I could only thank him very much before telling
him I'll forward the same to the OCPD. He's drunk with the money of
corruption as I witnessed a Chinese character who'd been accompanied
by a cop from Masara excuse himself from the cop before returning
inside to 'thank him' in low whispers as a 'token' of gratitude. Money
exchanged hands like it certainly has in my case. The same applies to
Judges & Magistrates of which one was convicted of 'robbery with
violence' & is still serving time. Thus Justice Nyaga musta been
compromised as well including his colleagues quoted by the
ex-Judiciary 'mouthpiece' driver called Ndama who said they won't pay
me my damages till they successfully customarily married me to their primitive,
prehistoric-descendant-culture Luos. The antagonists including Bori /
GLBT Uhuru & co. led by his 'Evil-Eyes' Mamangina and their
combination-groupie-orgies loo-bat kin Judy Macharia aka 'Mpenzi-Jinn
or Fundi-wa-Mitaa', Emi plus their Jews extended-family are dying of
jealousy cause they don't measure-up to whites / Caucasians or
European real ladyship standards which they're trying to ape so hard
yet they still practice animal-sex as their mainstream
                        Their Jews extended family presence in my case is
corroborated by the fact that after the Msa 'Portreitz affair' the
Central Police cop enforced bible-study lessons at the house of the
dysfunctional Turpins like I'm a lost sheep. I've stated categorically
that I'm an ATHEIST and as far as Religion goes as concerns Culture,
I'm rather a Constitutionalist and thus all references of my case to
Raila's Luo-Nyanza Kangaroo Courts are null & void. I don't and refuse
to recognize any other pretenses to the law 'cept the National Constitution and I
demand the due process of the law as regards a fair hearing entitled
to all & sundry on earth. I also ask concerned authorities to charge
the Migori OCS with abuse of office and power and also begin the legal
procedures of disrobing Justice Nyaga for I guess after mentioning him
yesterday he's pulling strings as an illustration of his 'Godzilla'
powers. I told him I'll forward my grievances to the OCPD to which he
retorted, "Go anywhere, you're an idiot". Whispers reaching my ears as
I jot this missive outside the Migori Police Station are mentioning
Raila strings. Raila who sacrificed his own son Fidel evidence by his
remorselessness the very next day when he went to chair an ODM meeting
after sending the corpse to the morgue. Raila who killed UoN comrade
Karl Marx relocated like me to his rural descendants home in Kisumu.
Raila who I also suspect called the shots on Tom Mboya & Robert Ouko
given they were all murdered in their rural homes ;
                        Raila who killed and caused the worst PEV-2008 mayhem in Kabuto
Nyatike resulting into refugees spilling into comrade M7's Uganda ;
the circumstances under which they crossed over being left to
anybody's imagination. Raila the primitive with communist-tendencies
who threatened Settlers properties in Laikipia and elsewhere. Did I
mention the In-charge of Crime revisited the KRC issue meaning the
antagonists are still laying grounds to turn me into a cabbage like
Matiba to subvert justice and embezzle my damages? I'm of the quarters
that decry psychiatry as a pseudoscience & weapon of Sanctioned Abuse
by antagonists. I'll hear non of it. They even tried it on Trump, the
genius. I have muscular dystrophy meaning I'm of a different womb from
my step-siblings. I DIVORCED, ESTRANGED and DISOWNED these
dysfunctional Turpins / step-family. Remember Victor their last son
also locked the back-door as recorded during the assault meaning they
got a sinister motive. I demand my rights to Sexual Selection &
freedom of conscience & the arrest of the OCS for insults / defamation as well
as due procedure to disrobe Justice Nyagah & sue him for abuse of
office & powers ; as well as a fair trial and hearing as regards my
14OBs. I'm now headed to the OCPD to relay what occurred with the OCS
after refusing the feedback of the Asst. Chiefs no. [ 0725777305 ] to
find the Chief & insulting me. I pray the intervention of the civil
society for my bill of rights lest Uhuru's Organized Crime Economy
Cartels illegally again like his Ikenya arrest and detain me. Also
remember to corroborate Uhuru's kiths the loo-bat Judy Macharia & Emi's
plus Omondis presence / trackings in Migori & their mission. I'm
afraid Uhuru might attempt to assassinate me by his corrupt cops like
he did the Dep. CJ. 
Thank you in advance. 
Yours Faithfully, 

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