...Andromeda and Milky-Way Galaxies...

...Andromeda and Milky-Way Galaxies...
Binge-eating Andromeda-Galaxy on a collision course with our Milky-Way-Galaxy.

Thursday, August 13, 2020

Migori Police Station : Meeting The OCS Tomorrow 17th Dec. 2019 ; Today's Chronology of Events ;

Date: Tue, 17 Dec 2019 00:56:11 +0600

Dear Sir / Madam,
                             I'll try to be brief cause I'm
juggling like a dozen balls & my hands are filled considering gotta
catch-up with backlogs whenever I pop back into internet. Had to go
report at Migori Police Station the savage-occultist
psychic-cannibal-vampires, 'KTN Uhuru-Onyanchas' 'paid pawns,'
compulsive-neurotic, sex-pervet, dysfunctional Turpins' impunity as
regards cyclic-ritual, hunger-torture games in alignment with Uhuru's
'Kenyatta-Animism-Zombie-Occult,' prehistoric-descendant-culture akin
to [ https://www.legit.ng/1271975-police-arrest-prophet-rescue-15-chained-persons-lagos-church.html
]. The Migori Police Station Front Desk worked the preliminaries amid
mockeries as to how come a 42yr old's being baby-sat which agreeing
the nonsense I explain the logic I've been singing repeatedly
narrating Uhuru's cop Ikenya's unlawful arrest, detention & jailing
on condition I consent to accompany him & the quickie-prostitute-witch
wife-matriarch [ technical substantiated descriptions ] PTO
to their rural home in Migori ; which I'm forced to consent-to after 3
hell-days in Shimo 'shithole' Prison literary. And that otherwise,
can't wait to grab my Kihara-Construction 7.6yrs punitive & actual
damages sat-on by ICC-Indicted International-Criminal Uhuru courtesy
of his AG. You know how the saga goes. The Front Desk sends me to the
Crimes Office where after a lady cop's interrogation she sends me to
KRC to get either a letter or a 'phone call to the OCS' in which case
they'll attach the letter supporting my hunger-torture OB before
'proceeding with the law,' lending me to ask megoodol'self whether
that's 'standard police procedure' or abuse of office. Nonetheless, I
oblige but KRC say they only deal with refugees & perhaps stuff to do
with shelter ; & that in any event they wouldn't wonna commit to
court processes should it come to that. Back to the Station the lady
cop says I see the OCS morrow 17th. The issue is last time one of the
OCSs I intend to enjoin in my suit of a barrage of charges  
had falsely alleged he'd written a letter to KRC regarding counselling
or psychotherapy which I completely refuse to the covert
Matiba-cabbaging attempts of the junk-science's 'sanctioned abuse' by
hired psychiatric-assassins' with a goal therefore to embezzle me of my
Kihara-Construction damages and my estate as such ; a letter KRC
denied ever receiving signaling a conspiracy to execute Uhuru's
psychiatric sanctioned abuse. I got 2 OCSs in my suit plus the IC, a
cop in the Dep. Commissioner's Office & Asst. Chief Onyango. Assist
ensue the course of the law & get my Uhuru-imposed pauperism, 'passive
male' existence back to track on life. 
Yours Faithfully, 
Erick Mango.

https://startrextraterrestrials.wordpress.com/ };

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