...Andromeda and Milky-Way Galaxies...

...Andromeda and Milky-Way Galaxies...
Binge-eating Andromeda-Galaxy on a collision course with our Milky-Way-Galaxy.

Thursday, August 13, 2020

GoK State Terror : Conspiracy To Sabotage Migori Police Station 14 OBs and Broader Lawsuit By Its 4 Top-Cops plus Asst. Chief Onyango Enjoined In My Foremost Suit ; ICMS E-Filing Technicalities ; Numbered Days v. Last Will ; Prayers For Migration For Political-Asylum / Refuge From Endless Persecution, Rape of Conscience and Mandatory Systems of Committment. SOS.

Date: Wed, 18 Dec 2019 13:36:02 +0600

Dear Sir / Madam, 
                            ICC-Indicted International-Criminal
Uhuru's 2008-PEV's culpability is obvious save for the 'classified
files' directly incriminating him his GoK refused Ocampo citing legal
defense, the logic behind their delay-denying me my now 7.6yrs
Kihara-Construction punitive & actual damages c/o the AG like
reiterated in precedent records by Migori DPP who'd asked how I
expected the same GoK I intended to sue with the same proceeds to pay
me. And now Migori Police Station 4 top cops plus Asst. Chief Onyango
I intend to sue led by their Snr. OCS are pulling the same monkey
tricks when in yesterday's appointment amid interrogation surrounded
by his aides intimidatingly & threateningly ready to pounce on me at
his barks he asks for my file containing the 14 OBs & doc. evidences
which perusing & noting the old dates he settles for one P3 he seemed
to have been targeting and tears it into like 5 pieces which he then
hands to one of the aides ; another transcript scattered to land in
the rain water which the torn-P3 aide picked before I could. When I asked
for the torn-P3 pieces they refused saying they'll dispose of it
better & much as I'd come to complain on the cyclic-ritual-occultist
hunger-torture the OCS inquired more on the last recent interrelated
charges of homosexual harassment asking whether he'd now 'fucked me,'
i.e. the 'married but gay,' sly, food-poker husband of the
self-bleaching, indecent-exposure, quickie-prostitute-witch
matriarch-wife [ technical substantiated descriptive terms ].
Interrelated cause they've made clear it's 'food for sex' given
they're exploiting my LGMD which less food & exercise I thin-fast &
sag and that's when at my emaciated weakest their homosexual &
incestuous sexual harassment peak. This furious OCS raising tantrums
at the overwhelming evidence including my pending suit against him &
co. then goes ahead to insult my sanity again claiming he thinks I'm
mentally disturbed subliminally lending their covert intentions to
sabotage my pursuits for justice by evoking Uhuru's 'sanctioned psychiatric abuse' like they
did Matiba before embezzling him to bankruptcy shutting down his
hotels & prestige schools biz ; Uhuru's 'paid pawns' & co. are
targeting my Kihara Construction damages & estate. At one instance
this OCS refers to the IC's office saying 'my friend is not there'
which jus' makes me wonder what exactly he has in mind ; can't wait
for my day in court cross-examinations. He adds again pointing at the
IC's office where there's a gathered-group saying, 'those are my
peers,' which jus' doesn't make any sense to me. In asides to his
aides in one instance he says, 'this guy's come back again' in the
same sense the IC used to exclaim, 'It's you again!' I left the
station a dejected fellow esp. to his references that I 'must be
mentally disturbed & that's the reason my cases were rotting dating
back several years' ; despite my insistence that it were rather
because of a 'lack of resources' to process the same pending which
I'll do once I get the dire resources. He told me to go look for a lawyer ; with the meagre
coins I had I rushed to the cybers to try to squeeze-in an ICMS e-file
for my foremost suit which I processed duly up to the 2nd last stage
where technicalities to do with 'uploading files & payments' arose
since no files or documents could upload nor the price-list menu
open-up. I tried all means including the cyber's administrator who
couldn't make neither tails-nor-heads of the same ; to no avail. Had
to log-off seeing I'd run outta the meagre cash praying hopelessly the
data would be saved up to where I'd reached to cut costs next time I
came. Wonder if 'twas a one-time technicality or whether other 'self
court-representing' citizens have come across the same or whether
there's a software which's yet to be updated or what the Judiciary &
CJ Maraga have to say for their supposed 'state of the art' ICMS
advanced project. Retrospectively, my days are now officially numbered
given Uhuru's obviously calling the shots as regards his 'Kenyatta Animism Zombie Occult' prehistoric-descendant-culture popular in West Africa [
] & thus the reason the cops refuse to take action making me resolve
to never take any hunger-torture complaints there again ; only other
criminal offences. I'll only tell the world & the civil society
through my social networks of which if 'KTN Uhuru-Onyancha's,'
'Brokeside Dairy Jacket' 'paid pawns,' compulsive-neurotic,
sex-pervert, dysfunctional Turpins manage to kill in this cold, my last
prayers are that I be buried in a public cemetery far away from these
psychic cannibals & Raila's Luo Nyanza probably in a cosmopolitan
province. As we speak today's ration's 3 slices of bread & tea till
super for which the gay-witch's taken 4 slices besides 'animistic uji'
& boiled-cassava I left untouched cause of the peristalsis-triggering,
energy-emaciating effect boiled tubers unlike roasted have on me. My
anti-Narcissistic-Godzilla Raila Luo Nyanza work-life vows including the sex-pervert,
dysfunctional Turpins I've DIVORCED, ESTRANGED & DISOWNED are
irreconcilable to the bitter end. I don't want them in life and in
death neither should they be seen in my funeral. Survival soft loans /
spare cash will be repaid with a 50% percent interest once Uhuru's AG
pays-up my Kihara-Construction 7.6yrs punitive & actual damages. Find
attached copies of the documentary evidences including the now torn
half-filled original P3. 
Thank you in advance. 
Yours Faithfully,
Erick Mango.

https://www.flickr.com/groups/4522199@N21/rules/ Support a Cause of Justice

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