...Andromeda and Milky-Way Galaxies...

...Andromeda and Milky-Way Galaxies...
Binge-eating Andromeda-Galaxy on a collision course with our Milky-Way-Galaxy.

Wednesday, August 12, 2020

Sly Double-Speaking Asst. Chief Changes Tone and Throws Ball Back To Incharge of Crime Migori Police Court For A 'Formal Letter In Writing' : Uhuru's Organized-Crime Economy-Cartels Subversion of Justice Circus ; Prayers For Migration For Political-Asylum / Refuge From Endless Persecution / Mandatory Systems of Committment and Rape of Conscience. SOS.

Date: Thu, 12 Sep 2019 18:21:09 +0600

Dear Sir / Madam, 
                            I pray your continuous, relentless,
informed, progressive, exposed and civilized intercessions &
interventions for due observations of the process of the rule of law
to be observed with regards to my most recent charges of
'hunger-torture and incestuous & homosexual harassments' as well as
all the other 14OBs recorded at Migori Police Station which're
altogether intricately interconnected against the
compulsive-neurotic, dysfunctional Uhuru's 'Brokeside Dairy Jacket'
'paid-pawns' Turpins. The above mentioned & co. as has been
demonstrated are psychic cannibal vampire living-fossil relic witches
reminiscent of the 'Europe Salem Witch Trial Convicts' not to mention
the 'Kenya chapter' real life-time blood-sucking convict vampire
Onyancha illustrated by the 'KTN Case Files' documentary. Raila's
tribal Asst. Chief changed tactics in the 'brotherly talks' he'd
scheduled for today & cancelled tomorrow's meeting he'd scheduled to
'write the formal letter for the arrest of the aforementioned sex-pervert criminals instead going on a
cyclic-deliberations demanding 'sufficient evidence' claiming the
photo-exhibits aren't substantial enough & defending the culprits in
claiming unless I present him a court-stamped certificate of
'DISOWNING' them, he can't write a letter to arrest them since I live
under their roof & eat their food adding that they can pee / urinate
anywhere in their residential compound / homestead. It's like he never
was party to the 'IC' proceedings the first time we met there when he
was called where I enumerated the illegal circumstances under which by
order of the Indicted ICC Contagion-Animist and Illegitimate Bori /
GLBT President Uhuru on behalf of his 'Brokeside Dairy Jacket' fellow
'married but gay' occultists, the dysfunctional Turpins ; one of his
cops animistically conveniently called Ikenya & 2 others illegally
arrested me at an open-air food kiosk I was lunching along Haile
Selassie Avenue Msa before saying some Caro wanted to see me &
continuing to add that "They wouldn't let me engage in any income generating
activity / biz or fixed-income employment." The rest is as already
presented in precedent missive records my learned, informed,
progressive, exposed, complex, civilized society members vis-à-vis the
developing third-world 'Kenya chapter' archaic, retrogressive,
imposed, lay, primitive, 'shithole,' prehistoric-descendant-culture
society since the emergence of anatomically-modern-humans from the
jungle to property ownership in formal society as regards transitions
to behavioral modernity including moral-sensibilities. I demand thus
that Migori Police Station use the same paradigm-basis of evidence
threshold they used the first time they'd deemed it substantial to
indict the sex-pervert culprits to similarly indict them again now
given the criminals have proved consistent and systematic
compulsive-neurosis in their schemes & strategies of 'cyclic-ritual
hunger-tortures coupled with incestuous and homosexual-harassments' to
coerce me into their Raila's Lamu / Bondo-Usenge & Uhuru's Bori / GLBT 'married but gay'
prehistoric-descendant-culture sexual-orientations. The machete &
slasher-sword assaults they since stopped though still palpable in
ex-Chief Amara's sanction can be followed-up within the inclusive
14OBs for which I got a Medical form pending a P3 cause of wanting
resources to process the same for which I'd been waiting for my
accident's actual & punitive damages to carry out. Along the same
length & breadth reliable sources have whispered that it kinda appears
the 'IC' who'd exploded with unreasonableness on behalf of the
ex-'invalid OCS' over my last move to the OCPD both belong to a clique
that hails from Busia and as such have vested interests in shielding
one of their own, Uhuru's Nairobi Carnivore Club bossom buddy Eng.
Emmanuel Edgar Sirma in relation to the Bell's-Pub Uhuru's GSU attack
who's Medical Form & P3 I got knowing I'll be coming for them once my
damages get processed. Thus I'm trekking headed to the In-charge of
Crime Migori Police Station to relay the sly Asst. Chief's feedback whenst I
pray you impress upon her on behalf of concerned authorities to set
the ball of the rule of law rolling so the clogged wheels of justice
get in motion. I want the sex-pervert culprit parasites arrested,
booked & arraigned before the Authority of an Independent Law Court to
get them off my back once and for all. I'll then formally proceed to
legally DIVORCE, ESTRANGE & DISOWN them once brooding Uhuru pays-up my
damages as per my vows including to never live or work in Raila's Luo
Nyanza to the bitter end. Otherwise once I deplete my data bundles all
alerts will be via Facebook's 'free data' mode please. 
Thank you in advance. 
Yours Faithfully, 
Erick Mango.

NB : I found lunch today a whole 'okoko' fish which ain't fresh to
their rot-food relish tastes despite filthy cash riches they floss ;
I served it soup-less & only ate the inner meat after peeling-off its
skin. I couldn't touch the greens which though the sly food-poker
gay-father served & ate I suspected he must have regurgitated some as
per his custom.

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Why Psycopath-Homicide 'Human-Sacrifice-Ceremony' Death-Ritual Psychic-Cannibal-Vampire Parasitic-Witches and 'World's Homosexual Capital' Jews Suck : Uhuru's Organized-Crime Economy-Cartels Trousered-Apes Monkey-Biz Subversion of Justice Circus Puppeteered By His Loo-Bat Kith Jewish Extended-Family ; Asst. Chief Dismissively Says He'll Call ; Prayers For Migration For Political-Asylum / Refuge From Endless-Persecution / Rape of Conscience and Mandatory Systems of Committment. SOS.

Date: Fri, 13 Sep 2019 20:49:22 +0600

Dear Sir / Madam, 
                            I pray your continuous, relentless,
informed, exposed, progressive and civilized pursuit interventions for
observance of the rule of law & its due process with regards to my
most recent charge of 'hunger torture & incestuous plus homosexual
harassments' against the compulsive-neurotic, dysfunctional sex-pervert
beast criminal Turpins of the 'married but gay'
prehistoric-descendant-culture sexual-orientations as has been
numerously substantiated under Raila's Lamu / Bondo-Usenge & Uhuru's
Bori / GLBT Occultism ; including the 14OBs interconnected to the
larger lawsuit & its 'Charge Sheet' as a whole as documented in [
] ; vis-à-vis the 'Kenya chapter' developing, primitive, imposed, lay,
retrogressive, 'shithole' 3rd world state. Thus the sly Asst. Chief
dismissively with a wave of his hand said, "He will," in reply to my
message from the OSC who'd asked him to call him. The sly 
Asst. Chief never left his car on arriving going-on to call 2 of his
Village Elders Council when I'd to quickly catch-up with him seeing he
was itching to speed-away to relay the OCS's message which he waved
away with the reply quoted above. The bureaucracy protocol requires he
answers to 'calls of duty' from his superiors without fail &/or with
the urgency emitted both which he's fragrantly dismissed before or
'dragged his feet-on' like in this latest scenario meaning higher
vested-interests / bureaucracies are at play headed by the
ICC-Indicted Illegitimate President Uhuru known to have refused to
part with incriminating evidence 'lying-in-state' more-or-less as
'classified files' while bidding his time behind the cloak of
'security of tenure'. Thus did the Migori DPP use the same line of
reasoning asking 'how I expected the AG courtesy of the State to
process my damages when I intended to enjoin them in a subsequent suit
with the same proceeds!' Thus I take this opportunity in this moment
in time to beseech the fully progressing evolved & developed states and minds
as regards biocultural techno-evolution with 'transition to behavioral
modernity,' creative-synthesis [ i.e. IQ ], and moral-sensibilities in
mind for urgent migration overseas far from these evolving
trousered-apes' rotten 'shithole' 'Kenya chapter' State's monkey-biz
to start a new life afresh with all the freedoms of the 'Bill of
Rights' as envisaged in the UN's Charter on Human Rights. Uhuru is
calling the shots directly here shielding his bossom-buddy Eng.
Emmanuel Edgar Sirma who as recorded in precedent-blogs confessed to
having been kissed once [ at least ] by a white-male in Nairobi's
Carnivore Club ; Uhuru's former hang-out. Emmanuel who goes ahead to
fondly relish the memories saying, "It's because he's very mhandi,"
i.e. colloquial for sheng meaning, "He's very handsome." Thus it's
where the gay Jews come-in as demonstrated in [
                           Part of the reason the dangerously evil scheme-y Jews got hounded
globally before they settled in their current abode for which Tel Aviv
rapidly became the world's center of homosexuality reminiscent of
their old times in Sodom & Gomorrah. Uhuru's loo-bat kith with their
Jewish extended-family practice Abrahamic Religions of 'Human
Sacrifice Ceremony' Death-Rituals proper the reason they're
descriptively world-renown aptly for their characteristic trait of
'manipulating national events & swaying public minds' They're indeed a
prehistoric witches descendant since their Chief serpent witch Moses
of the plague fame not to mention the witches catchword 'abracadabra'
after their Abrahamic religions celebrating human sacrifice rituals
like reflected in Catholic Liturgy. Thus their 'contagion animism
witchcraft' like quoted's traceable from their Uhuru's
combination-groupy-orgies loo-bat kith name Judy Macharia unashamedly
aka 'Mpenzi Jinn or Fundi-wa-Mitaa' ; other quoted Jew names embroiled
in my case include the aforementioned Emmanuel, Benjamin, Emi, Ema. Uhuru's GSU
incriminated in the Bell's-Pub attack is implicated virtue of the GSU
Reece-Unit being trained in Israel ; thus a direct hand albeit
subliminally. The antagonists exploit the fact of the presence of only
3 persons in the crime-house-scenario including the 2 sex-pervert
criminals & I ; which takes us back to square 1 when I'd asked
ex-Chief Amara 'whether I was to wait for sperm-exhibit to present as
evidence in the event of a culmination of the sly gay witch-father's
indicated, premeditated intentions demonstrated in his cyclic,
incessant homosexual-harassments linked to the hunger-tortures &
Luo-physiology-expertise peristalsis-triggering 'homosexual-selective-diets'? 
Or what other kinda evidence apart from
my repeated testimonies now reinforced with photo-exhibits courtesy of
a camera-phone would the openly vested-interest, stereotyped &
prejudiced antagonists find permissible? Hence, the sly Asst. Chief
last first time failed to coordinate summoning the sex-pervert criminals to the OCS & OCPD as he'd given his
word and thus had to exclude me in the National Census jus' so to
evade the issue rescinding on his word & duties which made the
sex-pervert beast criminals all the more stiff-necked to resume proper
esp. the sly gay-witch-father as depicted in the photo-snaps their
rude wanton homosexual-harassment postures & position on the dining
table narrowing the path to the 'hand-washing' sink in preparation for
his 'finger-f%&king' insults which the nincompoop Asst. Chief wondered
why I should bother given I had jeans on that I wasn't naked! The
quickie-prostitute-witch resumed her mark-timings & trackings to the
pit-latrines. 'Back to square 1 involved a case in Makadara Law Courts
Nairobi where an alleged pastor was charged with sleeping-with & even
successfully managing to impregnant one of his very own 2 biological
daughters. Why should an ordinary broad daylight witch be shielded
from the law? Cause I can't get pregnant? Or for want of sperm
evidence. I pray for the rights to a fair hearing & trial before the
Authority of an Independent Law Court. The stereotyped, prejudiced
Asst. Chief will obviously try to Obstruct Justice once again either
in not 'calling the OCS' or following 'higher-orders from above' as
regards Bori / GLBT Uhuru calling the shots to shield his bossom-buddy
Eng. Emmanuel & by extension his 'Brokeside Dairy Jacket' 'Paid-Pawns'
the compulsive-neurosis dysfunctional sex-pervert criminal Turpin
beasts. I'll take a grace-period of one week before I'll be obliged to
visit the Migori Police OCS once again in making follow-ups for due
justice of my cases ; so that means till next Monday 23rd. Thus I pray
your unperturbed, relentless & civilized Amicus Curiae &/or Probono
assistance on the 23rd Monday if the antagonists wouldn't have
implemented the rule of law with regards to its due process as
concerns the status-quo of my case. I demand the sex-pervert criminals
be arrested, booked & arraigned before the Authority of an Independent or Competent Law Court 
like known sex-crime clergy have been ; and more so
including for all the other charges in the 14OBs. Also ask the
'In-charge of Crime' to stop 'subliminally threatening' me with her now
customary line of, "It's you again" 'with wide open arms' as if to
say, "What are you doing here" or "What do you want here" ; whenever I
make follow-ups to the police station ; otherwise, she oughta tell the
civilized-world her stereotyped & prejudiced connections to the
ex-Invalid-OCS & Justice Nyagah since those are the echoes of their
proclamations. Tell her to follow the law as well or stay at home
during her moody days. Thus I demand the sex-perverts be arrested,
booked and arraigned before the Authority of an Independent Law Court
even as the Clergy who impregnated his daughter or the 'wolves in
sheep's' skin' Catholic Clergy-Fathers who prey on alter-boys! I've
DIVORCED, ESTRANGED & DISOWNED the dysfunctional sex-pervert Turpins
neither am I living or working in Raila's Luo-Nyanza. 

Moody 'Incharge of Crime' Explodes In Allignement With 'ex-Invalid OCS' Over Last Time's Move To OCPD As She and co. Send Me Back ToThe Stereotyped Prejudiced Nincompoop Asst. Chief : Uhuru's Organized-Crime Economy-Cartels Trousered-Apes Monkey-Biz Subversion of Justice Circus ; Prayers For Migration For Political-Asylum / Refuge From Endless-Persecution / Rape of Conscience and Mandatory Systems of Committment. SOS.

Date: Tue, 10 Sep 2019 20:22:38 +0600

Dear Sir / Madam, 
                            I pray your civilized-interventions
for the due procedure & rule of law to be observed as stuff get
murkier with the 'In-charge of Crime' exploding when I found the OCS's
Office locked and I inquired after him in her next door Office to
which she first exclaims, "It's you again" and goes on berating
mepoorol'self 'bout how the matter was presumably supposed to be
settled by the Asst. Chief who'd been there last time. She goes-on to
disprove of me that I shouldn't have gone to the OCPD in the first
place since 'Hao wakubwa hawatakusaidia,' i.e. 'Those big people won't
help you'. Now if the 'ex-invalid OCS' had refused the feedback he'd
sent me for & called me an idiot adding that I was disturbing him in
his Station and threatened to arrest me as he pushed me away;
literally therefore outlawing & out-casting me from the precincts of
the rule of law, where was I supposed to go to? Turn into an 'ascetic
wanderer & go to the forests? I think due protocol necessitated
that I move up the ladder to the next Office which happened to be the
OCPD's. She didn't wait to hear that the stereotyped, prejudiced,
nincompoop Asst. Chief had sent me again to the OCS & that I was only
enquiring of his whereabouts with a whole new charge. Nonetheless, she
directed me with another cop to the 'Statements Office' where I
explained to the gentleman the circumstances surrounding the scenario
to his comprehension before he asked whether I had the Asst. Chief's
no. which on giving him he called & they conversed over the phone
before finally directing me to go back to the Asst. Chief whom he said
will assist me. I didn't forget to tell him of the Asst. Chief's
insulting views that I 'shouldn't bother 'bout getting 'finger-f%&k<d
since I was wearing jeans.' Him & the 'IC' had said if there were any
arrests to be made the Asst. Chief had to write a formal letter & that
my issue was a 'family matter' unless they were dealing with assault
involving P3s & Medical Forms which in effect means I'll present
the 2 P3s & Medical Forms incriminating the dysfunctional sex-pervert
Turpins. I asked to be allowed to go there tomorrow given the fatigue
of the distances and the fact the office would've been locked by now.
Thus I pray you ask the Asst. Chief to check his cool & stop being
emotional in threatening me with 'pointing fingers.' Also ask him to
use logic & reason reason therefore in sticking objectively to the
facts. Ask him to write the required letter to arrest, book & arraign
the dysfunctional sex-pervert Turpins for Migori Police Station to 'set
the rule of law' rolling vis-à-vis his stereotypes & prejudices. 
Thank you in advance. 
Yours Faithfully, 
Erick Mango.

https://www.flickr.com/groups/4522199@N21/rules/  Support Justice

Trousered-Apes' Monkey-Biz Justice Circus : Asst. Chief's Impersonification, Obstruction of Justice, Abetting of Crime, Corruption, Bias ; Uhuru's Organized-Crime Economy-Cartels Lawsuit Association in Bell's-Pub GSU Attack v. Accident Damages ; National Cencus ; Prayers For Political-Asylum / Refuge From Mandatory Systems of Committment / Rape of Conscience / Endless Persecution. SOS.

Date: Sat, 31 Aug 2019 16:11:33 +0600

Dear Sir / Madam, 
                            I pray your civilized-interventions
for a fair hearing & trial before the Authority of an Independent Law
Court starting with the correct Kakrao Chief being obliged to toe the
laid-down procedures in summoning / handing-over the
compulsive-neurotic sex-pervert dysfunctional Turpins to the cops as
referred to by Migori Police OCPD courtesy of the OCS whom the latter
I've also implicated & charged in the crimes. The OCS had specifically
required one Chief Onyango who the Asst. Chief [ 0725777305 ]
impersonated & claimed the office to be the one at Upper Kakrao. Thus
there's been an intentional distortion of info. & upto now I can't
tell the real Chief from the Asst. and my suspicion's that 'Magina'
where the real Chief's supposedly located is veiled cause of the
underlying 'contagion-animism witchcraft' similarity to Uhuru's
witch-mother 'Mamangina' which may be complicates their
'Jinn-Theocracy GoK' witchcraft Runnings! 
                            The National Census ends today & the Asst. Chief's yet to make true his word including forwarding the matter to the cops
as stipulated. He's dragging his feet on the same cause he musta been
compromised given he calls the 'self-bleaching indecent-exposure,
quickie-prostitute-witch step-mother cum matriarch' [ substantiate-able
technical descriptive terms ] with the personal pronoun 'my' dear
meaning they've hewn a close / intimate relationship. The 2nd reason's
connected to the Jinn-Theocracy GoK psychology / interests as is
veiled in 'Magina' which equals Mamangina' not to mention the
'paid-pawns' as indicated by the 'Brokeside Dairy Jacket' & the larger
lawsuit altogether should I be paid my 'actual & punitive damages' to
file related suits as instanced by the Bell's-Pub Attack allegedly by
one of Uhuru's GSU on leave as whispered by informed sources! Thus
it's a Herculean-task taking-on Uhuru's Organized-Crime
Economy-Cartels with ltd resources of an imposed pauperism station
'below the poverty line. Remember they threatened ex-CJ Mutunga to
resignation and early retirement simply cause if his Project 'Bringing the courts
to the people' had seen the light of the day it would've destroyed the
est. fabric by which ICC-Indicted Illegitimate President Uhuru's
Organized-Crime Economy-Cartels enact laws & establish the court
procedures by which they're tried making the law courts their
'ports of call' where the overburdened 'Wanjiku-laity' tax-payers are
sheep & the soiled-magistrates hyenas! Then how do you ever expect to
get justice if you're the ploughing-oxen? Thus did the est. also
attempt to assassinate Dep. CJ in what's been lauded / speculated as a
'battle supreme' for heir to the powerful seat of Chief Justice. It's
a war btw good & evil whereby the judiciary, police & indeed the whole
GoK is divided in the middle with everybody taking sides as befits or
is allotted them by philosophy / persuasions or design. The
neighborhood's witches' secret-society's still exploiting my
sexual-starvation with underage girls sending them-over when I'm
supposedly alone in the Dysfunctional Turpins compound. It's recorded with
Safaricom how they used to try it with the neighborhood's wives
including a banana-ripe yellow Kisii who once exposed me her nudity
from the rear pretending she was washing with an 'above-the-rim' skirt
revealing the canal opening into her interior thickets making my heart
skip a beat as my blood rushed with starvation. She used to hawk
clothes including panties for men & ladies where I've been privy to a
neighborhood smith ask her for a 'ngotha' which's Swahili for the
inner-linen though in Luo the same word means 'f¤%k me'. Thus kinda
she'd mark-timed to subliminally send a message of her availability.
Jus' cross-check the records with Safaricom. Of late another next-door
neighbor Kisii wife's trying hard apparently with her husband to
compromise me but I choose to hold my horses knowing the witches'
secret-society can't be trusted, those are traps & they're witch-hunting. 
Thank you in advance. 
Yours Faithfully, 
Erick Mango.

https://www.flickr.com/groups/4522199@N21/rules/ Support Justice